
by CyberusLabs



CyberusHealthKey offers proximity based, secure exchange of confidential information or user status using one time sonic tokens.WHY CyberusHealthKey?CyberusHealthKey is bult with the advanced cyber security and privacy protections developed by Cyberus Labs for the security of online interactions of individuals and IoT devices. With the CyberusHealthKey tokenized proximity based communications you can chose to stay anonymous while sharing your data with others.COMPLETE PERSONAL SECURITYNo more passwords or old-fashioned logins means your identify can never be stolen. Tokenizing all user information gives you the freedom to share data, but not identity. Unless you choose to do so. The CyberusHealthKey app is GDPR, HIPAA, CDPL compliant by design, as it derives from a technology that was developed under strict EU privacy protection rules.EASY INSTALLJust download the CyberusHealthKey app to securely share data with others using one time sonic tokens.